Our journey so far …
Sustainability - səsteɪnəˈbɪlɪtɪ
The integration of environmental health, social equity and economic vitality in order to create thriving, healthy, diverse and resilient communities for this generation and generations to come *
Garden Hotel & Restaurant is passionate about creating a warm experience as a local host, through the gift of hospitality. We love our people and our land. We embrace Kaitiakitanga (a sense of guardianship) & Manaakitanga (giving our guests a true sense of hospitality)
Environmental Initiative
Tiaki Promise
Tiaki means to care and protect. At Garden Hotel & Restaurant we have taken the commitment to support the Tiaki Promise to care for New Zealand, for now and for future generations. New Zealand is previous and everyone who lives and travels here has a responsibility to look after it.
We invite our guests and suppliers to join us in making this commitment.
Biodegradable Coffee Cups
We understand how important it is not only to use recycled items, but to also encourage our guests to embrace this value for our land. Our cups are made of card and lined with PLA, a plant-based plastic, not a petroleum-based plastic. As food contamination is not a problem, the waste container can be sent to a landfill (to eventually breakdown into plant matter) or sent to a commercial composting centre (for conversion into compost).
Fully Recycled Bathroom Amenities
All our bathroom amenities are certified Fairtrade products. We also collect used packaging bottles and participate in the Hotel Weka Recycling program. These packaking are remoulded and used in concrete foundations for buildings and concrete paths across New Zealand with the aim of support sustainability efforts and creating a better future for present and future generations.
Sustainable Service
Every day millions of litres of water and detergent are wasted on towels that have only been used once. Our team encourages all patrons to conserve resources, place all towels that require laundering in the bath, or floor of the shower.
Recycle and general rubbish are separated and provided to our guests.
Reduction of Paper Consumption
Creative inventions have been implemented to shift from paper-based system to digital system. Back of house procedure, guest feedback and digital paperwork are some of the ways the team reduces paper consumption. Currently, Garden Hotel is making commitment of investing in-room Smart TV and software to replace all paper based products in guests rooms.
Fresh Milk
From a sustainably sourced supplier, Garden Hotel is providing fresh milk in reused bottles for our guests. This means fresher offerings and less waste.
Fruit Trees
In 2021 we planted our own fruit trees such as figs, fuji apples, black dorris plums, feijoas, mandarin, orange, lemon and lime with the vision that our chefs can bring these backyard garden produce to the table.
Free coffee Grounds for grabs
Coffee grounds are great fertilizers for the garden. We bag our used coffee grounds for our staff or customers who would like to add them to their garden or into their compost pile.